On The Blog

What's your baby's sensory personality?

Sensory Integration is the process by which sensory information is taken in through the brain and processed. It determines the output, reaction or behaviour. Sensory Integration begins in the womb with our sense of touch starting at just 7 and half weeks. When I was pregnant, I found out at 6...

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Easy to do Halloween activities at Home

Therapeeze LOVE to create and come up with fun crafts and activities that double as a tool for addressing specific skills! Here you will find a variety of  Halloween activities that can address skills such as fine motor, visual motor, visual perception, scissor skills, hand strength,...

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10 Calming Strategies for the Classroom

It has not passed anyone that 2020 has been challenging for families and children, especially now they are back at school.

For months they have been home (potentially still are getting home schooled) and so demands and their response to the demands may totally vary. New classroom routines,...

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Visual Perception Difficulties

SymptomsParents and teachers often notice visual perception or motor dysfunction when the child:

  • Isn’t able to read or work with numbers on a page even when they have normal development in other ways.
  • Doesn’t like school and resists reading, sometimes becoming very upset about having...
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The Did you Knows of Challenging Behaviour

The did you knows of challenging behaviour.

Challenging behaviour can be confusing, sometimes triggers are not obvious, sometimes you don’t know how to manage them correctly and sometimes it is overwhelming for everyone in the home.

Let’s be honest, managing challenging behaviour is...

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7 Foundations For Learning

Studies reveal that 1 in 5 children experience mental illness.

Referrals for children who are weak, uncoordinated, unmotivated, behaviourally challenged, anxious and inattentive come to Therapeeze all the time.    

Over years of experience there has been a huge change in young...

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How did this company develop?

For years I have considered moving into private practice but only since having my beautiful baby girl have I taken the leap.  During my maternity leave I considered the model and the approach to the business I wanted to take and thought carefully about who I really wanted to support. A huge...

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Fine motor is more than neat handwriting

Below, you will find hand strengthening activities for children and teenagers. The activities to strengthen fine motor skills included in this post are perfect to improving grip strength, pinch strength, or as part of a finger exercises/isolation and pencil control.

Fine Motor Strength is...

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Why do children need to self-regulate at school?

Self-regulation skills help children to control emotions, thinking, behaviour and motor actions in different situations.  Throughout the day, children need the ability to tolerate sensations, situations and form appropriate responses.  It requires that children control their impulses to...

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Regulating your child’s worries and anxieties this summer.

Summer Holidays can bring up a lot of variation, change in routine, change in environment, last minute changes to plans and so much more! With the added unpredictability of Covid-19 summer could be challenging for some children and families.

Supporting your child to regulate their sensory needs...

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