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Top 3 tips when feeling judged as a Neurodivergent Mum

Apr 18, 2023

Hey there, neurodivergent mums! Being a mum is tough enough as it is, but when you add neurodivergent parenting into the mix, things can get even more challenging. One of the biggest struggles that many of us face is the fear of judgment from others. Whether it's well-meaning family members or judgmental strangers, it can be hard to shake the feeling that we're being judged for our parenting decisions.

But fear not, dear mums! There are some tips you can use to manage your fear of judgment and feel more confident in your parenting. Here are three top tips to get you started:

Educate yourself about neurodivergence: The more you know about neurodivergence, the more confident you'll feel in your parenting decisions. Take the time to learn about your child's condition, what challenges they might face, and what resources are available to support them. You'll feel more empowered to advocate for your child and educate others about their unique needs. Contact the professionals, attend the training, read the books and get the relevant assessments...any tools you need to be in the know! 

Practice self-compassion: It's easy to beat ourselves up over our perceived shortcomings as mums, but it's important to remember that we're only human. Cut yourself some slack and practice self-care whenever you can. Whether it's taking a relaxing bath, indulging in your favorite TV show, or talking to a therapist, make sure to prioritize your own well-being. We talk about this more in the Calmness and Connections Masterclass for Parents

Find your support network: Parenting can be lonely, especially when you're dealing with the added challenges of neurodivergence. That's why it's important to find your tribe! Whether it's a local support group, an online community, or just a group of friends who get it, having people to talk to who understand what you're going through can make all the difference.

So there you have it, mums! Three top tips to help you manage your fear of judgment and feel more confident in your neurodivergent parenting journey. No one lives your life and remember, people will judge you no matter what you do! 

Remember, you're doing the best you can, and that's all anyone can ask of you. So take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and keep being the amazing mum that you are!

Kate xx