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Creating a pro-active sensory lifestyle/schedule for your family.

Mar 07, 2024


In today's world there are stressors and pressure in every modern family life, which is why maintaining a balanced sensory environment at home is crucial for both parents and children. A proactive sensory schedule can serve as a natural and effective tool to regulate emotions, reduce overwhelm, and foster a harmonious home environment. In this blog, we'll delve into the importance of such a schedule and offer five top tips for parents to develop a proactive sensory lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this is easy and let's be honest parenting and parenting a child with additional needs is far from regulating BUT if what you are doing is not working, it's looking at re-structuring it until it does work. 

Here are my top tips to pro-actively working on regulation. 

1. Understanding the Importance of Sensory Regulation:

Sensory regulation refers to the ability to manage and respond appropriately to sensory input from the environment. For children and adults alike, a well-regulated sensory system contributes to emotional stability, improved focus, and overall well-being. By actively engaging in sensory activities, parents can create a supportive environment that enhances regulation, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm. Through a process of illimitation, find activities which YOUR child engages in and appears to find regulation. 

2. Establishing a Consistent Routine:

Consistency is key when it comes to a proactive sensory schedule. Create a daily routine that incorporates sensory activities at predictable times. This could include morning stretches, midday sensory breaks, sensory layering of the home after school and calming activities before bedtime. Consistent routines provide a sense of security for children, helping them anticipate and adapt to various sensory experiences throughout the day. Every family is consistent, what can you do? Choose one activity and then build on it. 

3. Incorporating a Variety of Sensory Experiences:

Diversify the sensory experiences within your home to cater to different preferences and needs. Consider activities that engage various senses, such as tactile play, visual stimulation, and auditory experiences. Outdoor activities like nature walks or indoor activities like DIY crafts can provide a rich array of sensory input. This variety ensures a well-rounded sensory lifestyle/diet, addressing different sensory preferences for both parents and children. Slow rthythmic, movement is regulating and super simple to implement into the home. 

4. Creating Sensory-Friendly Spaces:

Designate specific areas within your home as sensory-friendly spaces. These zones should be tailored to accommodate different sensory needs, whether it's a quiet corner for relaxation or an active play area for energetic moments. Use soft lighting, comfortable seating, and sensory-friendly tools to enhance the environment. Having dedicated spaces encourages the natural integration of sensory activities into daily life. You can even think about this with your decoration or the amount of visual input you have in your home.

5. Listening to Individual Sensory Needs:

Every family member has unique sensory preferences and sensitivities. Pay attention to individual needs and tailor the sensory schedule accordingly. Some children may benefit from proprioceptive activities, such as jumping on a trampoline, while others may find solace in quiet activities like reading. Likewise, parents should also incorporate activities that bring them comfort and relaxation, creating a shared experience that fosters family connection. You can also think about activities you can do together which 2 or more of you find regulating for the nervous system.

A regulated home environment and a proactive sensor schedule emerges as a valuable ally for parents and children alike. By recognizing the importance of sensory regulation, establishing consistent routines, incorporating diverse sensory experiences, creating sensory-friendly spaces, and listening to individual needs, families can cultivate a proactive sensory lifestyle that promotes emotional well-being and reduces the likelihood of overwhelm. Embrace the power of sensory activities as a natural and effective way to navigate the complexities of modern family life.

If you need further support to achieve this with me in your pocket, check out the Sensory Informed Parenting Package

Kate xx