Sensory Informed Parenting


Are you feeling overwhelmed with your child's behaviour? Are you unsure how to support them effectively? Do you have lots of questions and no one to ask?Ā 

This 6 month programme is for you!Ā 

Tell me more

Problem solve, find solutions and regulate your family home.

Are You Struggling With Your Child's Behaviour?

Is your child's behaviour impacting on your family life? Do you feel like you are walking on egg shells everyday, trying your hardest to have a calm, regulated day but out of nowhere, your child can become heightened and no matter what you try, it works for a while and then stops?

Is it impacting on your relationship with your child or your partner? Is everyone feeling overwhelmed right now? Our unique services are for you.


Imagine a family home life where....

  • Everyone's sensory, psychological and physiological needs are understood.
  • You no longer wake up feeling highly overwhelmed regarding what the day may bring. 
  • You feel empowered and knowledgabe on how to support your child's dysregulation with a toolbox of strategies at your finger tips. 
  • You develop a sensory informed lifestyle that suits the whole family. 
  • Relationships within the home are improving and positive interactions are increasing.
  • You recognise dysregulation in each family member and are able to provide co-regulatory strategies.
  • You develop a family life/routine where everyone's mental health and well-being is supported.
  • You do those family activities you love to do, without the worry and anxiety of dysregulated behaviours occurring. 


Sensory Informed Parenting Programme


6 months of having a specialist in your pocket. 

Your Sensory Informed Programme

Who is the Programme for? 

  •  Families who are seeking support and guidance on increasing regulation adn well-being for their family. 
  • Families who want to increase their knowledge on sensory processing, mental health and their mind-body connection. 
  • Families who feel stuck in a rut and not sure how to break the cycle. 
  • Who have a newly diagnosed or have a child showing early signs of Sensory and emotional regulation challenges. 
  • Families who are seeking ongoing therpaeutic support to enhance their family quality of life. 
  • Families who have complex cicumstances and need additional support.
  • Families who seek accountability to take action.
  • Families who want to change roles, routines and relationships within their home but unsure how. 

What can the Programme Support With?

    • Developing a sensory lifestyle to support regulation for your child. 
    • Strategies and techniques to introduce and coaching on how to introduce them.
    • Developing a balance of family activities throughout the home to support all members' well-being. 
    • Empowering parents with knowledge and tools to support your child effectively. 
    • Developing a sensory informed home which pro-actively supports regulation and engagement. 
    • Adapting and grading activities to enhance connections within the home. 
    • Debrief opportunities on family challenges you have faced. 
    • Support to develop a balanced life which supports the whole family's health and well-being.

What is included?


  • 6 months of therapeutic coaching calls for 1 per month for 1 hour each. 
  • Whatsapp communication and support with myself between appointments. 
  • Video analysis service receiving feedback on daily experiences you and your family have (4 per month), including: behaviours you would like to support with and/or how you support daily activities/behaviours and guidance to help regulate engagement. 


Reconnect,Ā RebalanceĀ and Reset your family in 6 months.

6 months Programme for ONLY Ā£1697

(payment plan available upon request)
We want a sensory informed home!

What are the benefits of the  programme?

  • Get in-depth support as and when you feel you need it. (Its like having a specialist in your pocket)
  • Develop the confidence to support your child's nervous system the best way possible.
  • Enhance the progression month by month.
  • Focus on the whole family and not just your child.
  • Reflect, evaluate and progress in strategies which may require changes/adaptations.
  • Parent support to enhance their wellbeing.
  • Develop a sensory informed home and sensory lifestyle to suit YOUR family.
  • Feel empowered to continue the lifestyle upon completion of programme. 
Book your Package Today

Truth is....

I'm NOT the expert, YOU are as I do not know truelly what it is like for you........BUT 


What I do have is over 17 years experience of working with families who have experienced great challenges, difficulties with services, lacked the support they deserved and have felt highly overwhelmed for a long time. 

I developed the mastermind for me to listen and share my knowledge with the vision of supporting you within your own solution focused process and achieve YOUR family goals.




Over the many years in my career I have spoken to thousands of families, observed and played with thousands of children and really took time to understand their daily life. I understand parenting a children with adiditional needs can be complicated, stressful and overwhelming. Which is why I designed all of these accessible consultancy services with integrity and heart. I am here to make a difference to you, your child and your family and I treat all families in the unique, caring and considerate approach that they deserve,

You don't have to feel alone.....

Family life is challenging and even more so with a child with additional needs. The mastermind programme is to connect relationships, empower family mambers with knowledge, enhance their mental health adn well-being and find a re-balance within their family life. 
I'm 100% Ready To Change My Families Life