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The truth about at home sensory programmes

Feb 06, 2023

When you have a child with sensory processing difficulties it can influence their engagement in everyday activities, their mental health and well-being as well as their confidence and self esteem. For many years throughout my career, I supported these in the home environment through home programmes, providing lists of strategies, sensory diets and basically therpaeutic support that required a conscious effort by everyone to do between appointments. 

BUT how when you are juggling a gazzillion appointments, focusing on achieveing and maintaing a regulated home, enjoying family time and being  mum, dad, sister etc do you do allllll of the therapy programmes you have been given? How do you do them within a schedule when time is already tight getting ready on a morning? How do you do them when your child is so stressed and knows they are 'therapy activities' and refusing to do them? Then what?

As a new therapist, I thought I was making an impact when really, I was likely to be causing more overwhelm, challenges and difficulties for many families and parents. I now recognise that there are ways to support children to achieve regulation and engage in daily life through empowering the whole family with my knowledge, developing bespoke techniques within the unique families routines and draw on existing strengths which are there. 

Take time to think about the current strengths you and your family have, I bet there is more than you think! 

Kate xx