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How to use Sensory Strategies to Develop Family Connections

May 15, 2023

As parents, we want our homes to be a place of connection and calmness, where our children feel safe, secure, and supported. While there are many ways to create a nurturing home environment, one approach that is often overlooked is the use of sensory processing strategies.

Sensory processing refers to the way our bodies process and respond to sensory information from our environment. This includes things like touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. For children, the development of their sensory processing system is critical for their overall development, including their ability to regulate their emotions and build relationships.

Here are some ways families can use sensory processing to build connections and calmness in the home:

Create a sensory-rich environment: Children thrive in environments that are rich in sensory experiences. This can include things like playing with sensory toys, exploring different textures, or engaging in messy play. By providing your child with opportunities to explore their senses, you can help them develop their sensory processing system and build a deeper connection to their environment.

Use sensory tools for regulation: For some children, sensory tools like weighted blankets, fidget toys, or sensory swings can be helpful for regulating their emotions and building calmness. By providing your child with tools that support their sensory needs, you can help them feel more comfortable and confident in their ability to regulate their emotions.

Use sensory experiences to connect: Engaging in sensory experiences with your child can be a powerful way to build connection and strengthen your relationship. This might include things like cooking together, doing art projects, or going for a nature walk. By sharing these experiences with your child, you can deepen your bond and create lasting memories.

Use sensory strategies for transitions: Transitions can be difficult for children, especially those who struggle with sensory processing. By using sensory strategies like deep breathing, sensory breaks, or calming music, you can help your child navigate transitions with greater ease and reduce stress and anxiety.

By using sensory processing strategies in the home, families can build connections and promote calmness and well-being for everyone in the household. So why not give it a try and see the positive impact it can have on your family's life?