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Therapeeze: Empowering parents and professionals in sensory processing

Jul 05, 2023


In today's fast-paced world, understanding and addressing sensory processing difficulties in children is becoming increasingly vital. These difficulties can significantly impact a child's behavior, development, and overall well-being. Recognizing this need, I developed Therapeeze Therapy Tools To Thrive which has emerged as a leading organization dedicated to empowering parents and professionals with specialist knowledge on sensory processing difficulties. By adopting a dysregulated lens, Therapeeze aims to change perceptions of behaviour, helping children understand their bodies and environments, and fostering a sensory lifestyle worldwide. 

So what exactly do I do?

Empowering Parents and Professionals:

At the heart of Therapeeze Therapy Tools To Thrive's mission is the empowerment of parents and professionals dealing with children facing sensory processing difficulties. Recognizing that such challenges can be overwhelming and confusing, Therapeeze offers specialized knowledge and resources to enhance understanding and support. By equipping parents and professionals with the necessary tools and insights, Therapeeze enables them to navigate the complexities of sensory processing difficulties effectively.

Changing Perceptions of Behaviour:

One of the key objectives of Therapeeze is to shift the prevailing understanding of behaviour through a dysregulated lens. Traditional approaches often view certain behaviours as disruptive or disobedient without considering underlying sensory processing difficulties. Therapeeze advocates for a paradigm shift, urging parents, teachers, and caregivers to see behavior as communication and a response to sensory challenges. By reframing behaviour in this manner, Therapeeze facilitates a more compassionate and informed approach that meets children where they are in any given moment.

Understanding the Dysregulated Lens:

The dysregulated lens promoted by Therapeeze encourages individuals to view sensory processing difficulties from the child's perspective. This lens acknowledges that sensory overload or under-stimulation can trigger behavioural responses in children, making it challenging for them to regulate their emotions and engage with their environment. By embracing this perspective, parents and professionals can better comprehend and empathize with the child's experiences, fostering a more supportive and inclusive environment.

Enabling Self-Understanding and Environmental Awareness:

Therapeeze recognizes that self-understanding is pivotal to a child's ability to navigate their sensory challenges effectively. By providing children with the knowledge and tools to understand their bodies and sensory experiences, Therapeeze empowers them to develop self-awareness, self-advocacy, and self-regulation skills. This understanding extends beyond the individual, as Therapeeze also emphasizes the importance of environmental awareness. Educating parents, professionals, and communities on creating sensory-friendly environments can help children thrive in various settings, such as homes, classrooms, and public spaces.

Promoting a Sensory Lifestyle Worldwide:

Therapeeze Therapy Tools To Thrive has a global vision of promoting a sensory lifestyle worldwide. Recognizing that sensory processing difficulties transcend geographical boundaries, Therapeeze is committed to reaching families and professionals across different cultures and communities. By providing accessible resources, online training programs, support and consultancy, Therapeeze endeavors to make a meaningful impact in enhancing the quality of life for children with sensory processing difficulties worldwide.


Therapeeze Therapy Tools To Thrive has emerged as a transformative force in the field of sensory processing difficulties. By empowering parents and professionals with specialist knowledge, promoting a dysregulated lens, and encouraging self-understanding and environmental awareness, Therapeeze is driving change in the perception of behaviour. Through my dedication, Therapeeze is helping children worldwide to thrive by embracing a sensory lifestyle. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive world for children facing sensory processing difficulties

Kate xx