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Achiveing co-regulation this summer

therapeeze Jul 16, 2023

As the summer holidays start, parents and families prepare for a well-deserved break and quality time together. For neurotypical children, summer holidays often bring excitement and anticipation. However, for neurodivergent children, the change in routine and sensory overload can present unique challenges. As a parent of a neurodivergent child, you may wonder how to navigate the summer holidays in a way that fosters co-regulation, creating a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your child. In this blog, we will explore strategies and tips to achieve co-regulation during the summer holidays, ensuring a fulfilling and harmonious time for the entire family.

1. Understanding Co-Regulation:
Co-regulation is a vital aspect of fostering a strong parent-child relationship, especially for neurodivergent children. It involves parents and caregivers supporting their child's emotional and sensory needs to maintain a sense of balance and stability. Instead of expecting children to self-regulate completely, co-regulation acknowledges that children may require external support to manage their emotions and behaviors effectively.

2. Create a Sensory-Friendly Environment:
For many neurodivergent children, sensory overload can be overwhelming. During the summer holidays, create a sensory-friendly environment at home and when planning outings. Consider offering a quiet space where your child can retreat if they become overstimulated. Limit exposure to noisy or crowded places and incorporate sensory toys or tools that your child finds comforting.

3. Stick to a Flexible Routine:
While routines are essential for neurodivergent children, summer holidays often bring changes to the usual schedule. Aim to establish a flexible routine that includes a balance of structured activities and free time. Communicate any changes in advance, using visual schedules or social stories to help your child understand and prepare for new activities or events.

4. Engage in Joint Activities:
Finding activities that both you and your child enjoy can be a great way to build connection and achieve co-regulation. Ask your child about their interests and involve them in planning some of the summer activities. Whether it's exploring nature, doing arts and crafts, or playing games together, shared experiences can strengthen your bond and reduce stress.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Emotional Validation:
Neurodivergent children may struggle with emotional regulation, making it essential to practice mindfulness as a family. Introduce simple breathing exercises or mindfulness activities to help your child identify and manage their feelings. Additionally, always validate your child's emotions, letting them know that it's okay to feel upset or frustrated. By demonstrating empathy and understanding, you create a safe space for emotional expression.

6. Seek Out Support and Resources:
Connecting with other parents of neurodivergent children or joining support groups can be invaluable. Sharing experiences and insights can offer encouragement and practical strategies for navigating the summer holidays. Additionally, consider consulting with professionals, such as therapists or specialists, to gain personalized advice for your child's specific needs.

7. Monitor Your Own Well-being:
As a parent, it's crucial to prioritize your own well-being during the summer break. Caring for a neurodivergent child can be demanding, and maintaining your own mental and emotional health is essential. Schedule some time for self-care, seek support from your partner or friends, and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed.

The summer holidays can be an incredible opportunity for parents and their neurodivergent children to strengthen their bond, create cherished memories, and achieve co-regulation. By understanding your child's needs, creating a sensory-friendly environment, maintaining a flexible routine, engaging in joint activities, practicing mindfulness, seeking support, and taking care of your own well-being, you can make the most of this special time together. Embrace the uniqueness of your child and the journey you are embarking on, knowing that the efforts you put into co-regulation will lead to a fulfilling and loving relationship for years to come.

Have a lovely summer 

Kate xx